Friday, December 24, 2010


its  very long time i did not my writing in English..hope while i writing in my blog can improve a little bit my knowledge.  hope u all don't mind.

I got a new staff..i thank Allah cos at last i had one.Very shy person . Actually i really need staff for backup if my current staff sick n need MC. I didn't really care if she/he got good certificate or not. i just hope he/she just can do his/her job as well as he/she can.

 Honestly, i feel pity to my new staff cos he/she didn't know nothing, how to use calculator, how to use computer, even not doing well in cleaning job. He/she just quiet, shy and i don't know what to do.  I really feel bad about it....he/she even didn't have initiative to improve his/herself.

The Next Day...he/she didn't show up.. i get in my mind he/she just resign.

Hahahaha...What A luck..or bad luck..

I'm still searching A New Staff..but this time i need to filter a few knowledge before get hired.

Hope i can get  good new Staff..   :)